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Friday, February 27, 2015


Kia ora everybody!

Room 20 starts swimming this Wednesday after lunch play. Everyone takes part and we focus on confidence and safety. Please remember to name ALL clothes and towels, and have a plastic bag. So kids- remember to  practice getting dried and getting dressed.  It would be great to have two or three parent helpers supporting.

Library day is Thursday.  We had a muddle with our library cards so the children found a solution- thanks James and Dani. We made big cardboard cards with our names on them and we will laminate them next Wednesday.  These are to stay in their bookbags please.

Parent teacher discussions are on Monday and Tuesday.  Please book online via the Arahoe website.  We recommend attending once a term, or even every second term.

As our class grows we will continue to have some of the older students move with Mrs Turner into Room 19.  Miss Gill Reid, our art teacher, will join her on Monday. 

Please help your child bring a family photo for our whanau wall.  I would also love to use greetings from our families home country or language,  so please let me know what they are.  I am also looking for someone to take small groups for building and ball skill sessions

Thanks for reading the blog, and have a great weekend.

Ka kite,
Miss Ellis

Monday, February 23, 2015


Have a look at our BBQ notice AND look at our awesome workers!
We are learning to put things in order by size, or by sequencing.  This skill helps with Reading, Writing and Maths.
This week Miss Ellis is looking at our letter id, how well we understand books, and what we know about numbers and Maths (assessment week)!
That means we are working on our sequencing activities and working on independent learning centres, instead of reading in our reading groups.
This is a great week for parent helpers to come and read with us before school or after morning tea. Please see Miss Ellis if you can help this week.
Our swimming is not yet starting till next week now! Lots of time to get ready!

Ka kite!

Sunday, February 22, 2015


Our class is growing and it is now time for some of us to have our classtime in the Room 19 space everyday! On Monday we will see our cloak bay hooks have our names beside them and there will be a big list to show us which learning space to go to: Room 19 with  Mrs Turner or Room 20 with Miss Ellis! Exciting! 

We also have a back to school BBQ on Wednesday from 4.30. Come along for a chat with the teachers and a look around our school!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


You might not be able to catch the gingerbread men but you can catch us in the hive of activity that is the New Entrant area!
In the morning we work in 3 pods with 3 different teachers- Miss Ellis, Mrs Turner and Mrs Young.  After morning tea we work in 2 pods with Miss Ellis and Mrs Turner.  We are peas in a pod!
Have a look at our week so far!

Sunday, February 15, 2015



Kiaora everyone! You will never believe it but all our gingerbread men ran away on Friday morning!! We even had some amazing mums come and help bake them (thankyou amazing mums!) but they don't know where they are either.
Mrs Howard went to bake them in the oven. She had them on a tray on tbe bench, and when she opened the oven she turned around and they had gone! Only crumbs were left.
We went looking for them- we found clues but no gingerbread men.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Today some of us went on a hunt to find letter Aa and things that start with the letter Aa sound with Miss Ellis.  Mrs Turner helped the rest of us with an Aa activity in Room 19 . 

After morning tea we went to a powhiri to welcome all the new people at Arahoe.  That's us! The kapa haka performed andMr Limbrick said a speech.

After lunch some of us finished our letter A activity and the rest of us learnt how to use different Maths centres.  This helps us learn how to work independently as well as how to share, practice maths and solve problems. 

Ou Favourite Parts of the Day:

Connor: "gluing in my book."

Harshal: "picking my lunch box up."

Thanks for visiting our blog!

Ka kite,
Room 20

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Dear parents and caregivers,
Thanks so much to parents who have offered their help in making gingerbread men. We have about two more batches to make.

We have sent out some email messages but there seems to be a problem in that you may not have received them. We appreciate your patience as we sort this out. We are sending home information letters tomorrow which you will find useful.

Another big thank you is in order to parents who have waited at the end of the day for the children to be dismissed.   This is supporting our New Entrant classroom in learning the routines and learning to return to class at the end of play.

We will send home homework books and book bags from next Monday. Children also stay until 3pm. Again we will ask you to wait outside till your child is dismissed. It will be a lot easier as the children will already be in class and be ready to go.

I f you are in walking distance we recommend coming by fooot to avoid traffic congestion.   Another solution is to park further from school and have a walk and talk back to the car.

In the meantime here are some more photos!

Ka kite,
Sarah and Dana.